When my son broke his wrist, AnnMarie knew the top Orthopedists, but even more importantly she knew the Orthopedist who specializes in hands and wrists. After talking with this doctor, we decided to fly our son home from Denver to be treated by him. The outcome was perfect and my son’s wrist is now ready for the upcoming ski season.
- Case managed an osteotomy of spine surgery with world renowned orthopedist enabling client to stand erect and be fully functional for the first time in years
- Identified the top ankle and knee replacement specialists at The Hospital for Special Surgery, facilitated quick appointments (next day for the pediatric ankle case) and reduced the knee pain with knowledge of cutting edge technology
- Introduced biologics as an alternative therapy to knee replacement surgery and navigated clients to the leading doctors using this treatment
- Resolved surgery approval and date for a total knee replacement with top doctor at HSS
- Identified top orthopedic pelvis surgeons and plastic surgeons in New York City for emergency surgery
- Enabled a client with a high BMI to obtain knee replacement surgery with highly expert orthopedic surgeon at a top U.S. hospital
- Led the identification of expert neurosurgeons to correct chiari malformations and/or syringomyelia for one pediatric client and one adult client